Free Report Reveals The 7 Deadly Sins Of Internet Marketing

Contained within this report you’ll find the 7 deadly sins that are killing your sales and profits, and as a result, keeping you stuck, struggling, and overwhelmed.

Rebecca Davis

About Me

I am 43 yrs old. I have been married to Solomon, the best guy out there for 25 yrs and our journey has been pretty great so far.  


We have 4 amazing kids that have turned out to be great humans, that I’m pretty proud of. 


We live an average life I guess you can say.  


But I’m tired of living an average life.  


I’m not getting any younger and have dreams to do bigger, better things with the life I have left while I’m still fairly young to do them. 


Are you sick and tired of living day to day on autopilot?  Watching everyone around you fulfill the dreams that you want?


My husband Solomon has his own business and it keeps him busy 5 if not more days through the week which leaves him no time to take time off to travel or do any repairs around the house that need to be done. 


 I work a full time JOB where I commute to work every day 5 days a week.  


I drive 30 mins to work and 30 mins back home every day Monday thru Friday. 


While I get my online business up and running to full capacity, so I can have the luxuries that myself and family desire… 


What would it take for you to start your journey to do the same? To take your first steps? How long will it take for you to live and watch from the side lines?


I am away from my home and family for around 10 hrs each day. Leaving me with no time for the family and the to-do list at home. 


I live in Utah so the roads can be very snowy and icy through the winter days and that is brutal to drive in.  


Bad driving conditions for sure not to mention the wear and tear on my vehicle to just make it to work.  


I have been with the company for 5 yrs and I’m tired of the commute to work.  


With that being said I don’t feel like I make enough money to make it worth it anymore. 


 Living paycheck to paycheck isn’t getting myself and my family the dreams that we desire. 


We don’t have ENOUGH income left over for the extras to do anything with. 


It’s always the same every month, work, get paid, pay bills repeat.


Do you feel the same way? Have you ever felt like you’re just stuck in life and the rat race that you live in day to day?


I got to the point that I knew there had to be more than what we were getting.  


I wanted the nice new house and the family vacations (that only happened for us every few years, and we had to save and put away for months to do). 


The nice luxury cars and no worry about if or when the bills were going to be paid kind of life. 


But that was never going to be the life we desired if we did the same thing we always did. 


 I knew I needed to step up and start searching the internet for better opportunities  to better my life and the life of my family.  


I was willing to do whatever it took to make this happen.  I came across an online course that I signed up for right away and I trusted my gut to just go with it and go all the way with it.  I knew I was making the right decision.  


I could still work my full time JOB and do online marketing in the evenings and weekend hours. 


 I can set up my own schedule for when and where I work my online business and I can control how much or how little I bring into the household.  


I made that step and now I am on my way to making big things happen.  


My husband and I said ALL THE WAY” “GO BIG OR GO HOME, but quitting was not an option… 


I can’t wait to start getting big results so that I can quit my full time JOB and walk away from the prison I clock into everyday.  


I can’t wait to be the creator of my own life and not someone else's!!!


These are things that I want for you as well.


I want you to be brave and step out of your comfort zone, take a leap and make big dreams happen for yourself. 


You’ll have the option to bring your loved ones along the way with you.


Experience all the things you deserve and desire.